Roborock E35 Robot Vacuum and Mop

Roborock E35 Robot Vacuum and Mop

by Roborock


Stop pulling a heavy vacuum cleaner around your house! The Roborock E35 Robot Vacuum and Mop by Roborock is a awesome autonomous vacuum

This hardworking machine was crafted to clean the toughest places in your home

We'd like to highlight one feature: the cliff sensor that keeps it from falling off the stairs

It's the perfect cleaner for people with busy lives

The quality of your life will improve drastically

Why people love this robot vacuum

People love this product because it has a long run time per charge, works really well on carpet, sucks up a decent amount of dust and can be set with a vacuuming schedule

Product Specs

Here are the detailed specifications for this Roborock robot vacuum

Color: black

Dual (Vacuum + Mop):

Warranty: 12 months

Surface: hard floor, carpet

Batteries required:

Batteries included:

Battery life: 200min

Battery type: Lithium ion

Noise level: 60db

Suction power: 2000pa

Dust bin volume: 640ml

Weight: 7lb

Dimensions: 13.7in x 13.8in x 3.6in

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a robot vacuum replace a normal vacuum?

You will still need to use your old-fashioned vacuum cleaner once in a while, because the robot won't be able to clean every little corner of your house, let alone the stairs. Robot vacuums are great for spot cleaning and are the best option if you're looking to reduce general cleaning time.

How do you prevent a robotic vacuum from falling down stairs?

The best way to prevent a robotic vacuum from falling down stairs is to install virtual walls or boundaries to create a perimeter. These virtual walls or boundaries will emit infrared signals that the robotic vacuum will recognize and use to detect where it is allowed to go and where it is not. Additionally, some robotic vacuums have sensors built-in to detect stairs and other obstacles, which can help to further prevent the vacuum from falling down stairs.

How do you change the side brushes on a robotic vacuum?

To change the side brushes on a robotic vacuum, you need to first locate the side brushes. Once you have located them, you will need to remove the screws that hold the brushes in place and then remove the side brushes. After the side brushes have been removed, you will need to attach the new side brushes and securely tighten the screws.

How long do robot vacuums last?

Robot vacuums can last for years if you make the effort to clean its parts and brushes regularly. It is important not to let too much pet hair and debris build up in the robot vac, because then it could become permanently damaged. You might need to change the battery or some other parts of your appliance to lenghten its life. You should also avoid it getting wet inside. The life expectancy of your robot also depends on the frequency it's used.