Has Roborock introduced any new technologies or sensors in their 2023 line-up?

๐Ÿค–๐Ÿงน Discover the latest innovations from Roborock in their 2023 line-up! Find out about new technologies, sensors, and more! (Click here to uncover the future of cleaning) ๐ŸŒŸ

Roborock's 2023 Line-Up: New Technologies and Sensors Revealed!

Q: Has Roborock introduced any new technologies or sensors in their 2023 line-up?

A: Roborock's introducing two new S8 Series bots: the S8 Pro Ultra with the new RockDock and the S8+ with an auto-empty dock. The S8 Pro Ultra boasts Roborock's strongest suction ever, at 6,000Pa. Learn more about the differences between Roborock and Xiaomi, the release date of the Roborock S7, and whether Roborock is a Chinese company.

Click here for more details on the difference between Roborock and Xiaomi. Click here to explore the new S8 Series bots. Click here to learn about Roborock as a Chinese company. Click here to find out the release date of the Roborock S7.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use a robotic vacuum in multiple rooms or floors of a home?

Yes, you can use a robotic vacuum in multiple rooms or floors of a home. Most robotic vacuums come with features such as room mapping, multi-floor mapping and virtual boundaries that allow them to navigate different rooms and floors of a home.

How do you clean the camera and other sensors on a robotic vacuum?

To clean the camera and other sensors on a robotic vacuum, you should use a soft, lint-free cloth and a cleaning solution specifically designed for electronics. The cloth should be dampened slightly (not wet) with the cleaning solution and then used to gently wipe down the camera and sensors. Additionally, you should use compressed air to blow away any dust or debris that may have collected on the camera or sensors. Finally, you should inspect the camera and sensors to make sure all dust and debris have been removed.

How do you set up a robotic vacuum to return to its charging dock when it's low on power?

Most robotic vacuums will automatically return to their charging dock when they are low on power. To ensure that the vacuum is able to return to the dock, make sure that the dock is in a clear, open space and that the charging pins are aligned properly. Additionally, ensure that the vacuum is able to navigate to the dock without any obstacles.

How loud are robot vacuums?

Robot vacs are no louder than traditional vacuums. They have an average noise level of 60 to 70 decibels. This sound is generally not too troubling, since the robots are mostly programmed to clean when you're off to work. The most silent ons are at around 50 decibels, which should be like a the gentle hum of a hairdryer.