NGTeco Robot Vacuum Cleaner

NGTeco Robot Vacuum Cleaner


Powerful 2500pa suction for effective cleaning

Specialized brushes for picking up pet hair and debris

Convenient control options through the NGTeco Home app and voice assistants

Why people love this robot vacuum

Powerful 2500pa suction for effective cleaning

Specialized brushes for picking up pet hair and debris

Convenient control options through the NGTeco Home app and voice assistants

Product Specs

Here are the detailed specifications for this robot vacuum

Color: Rv1100

Dual (Vacuum + Mop):

Surface: Pet hair, carpet, and hard floors

Batteries required:

Batteries included:

Battery type: N/A

Dimensions: 12.8in x 12.8in x 3in

Frequently Asked Questions

Can robotic vacuums be used to pick up large debris, like cereal or pet food?

Yes, robotic vacuums can be used to pick up large debris, like cereal or pet food. Most robotic vacuums have a large dustbin that can accommodate larger pieces of debris, and some robotic vacuums even have specialized brushes designed to pick up larger debris.

Can you use a robotic vacuum to clean under furniture?

Yes, you can use a robotic vacuum to clean under furniture. Most robotic vacuums are designed with sensors and features that allow them to maneuver around furniture and other obstacles in order to effectively clean the floor.

Do robot vacuums get stuck?

Yes, robot vacuums can occasionally get stuck. The best thing you can do is make sure your floor is as empty as possible before launching the robot, so that it doesn't become entangled. That being said, the newer vacuum models are equipped with powerful sensors that will avoid any obstacles.

Can robotic vacuums climb over thresholds or transitions between floor types?

Yes, some robotic vacuums are designed to climb over thresholds and transitions between floor types. Some robotic vacuums have powerful sensors and brushes that are designed to detect and maneuver around thresholds and transitions.