Milagrow Seagull

Milagrow Seagull

by Milagrow


Elevate the task of vacuuming! The Milagrow Seagull by Milagrow is a hardworking household appliance

This steady robot vacuum was designed to suck up all the dust and pet hair you hate so much

One special feature we'd like to mention: the Gyroscope LiDar navigation

It's the ultimate robot vacuum for households with pets

It will definitely change your life

Why people love this robot vacuum

People love this product because it boasts a sizeable dust canister, merely makes a gentle sound and doesn't need a lot of wall space

Product Specs

Here are the detailed specifications for this Milagrow robot vacuum

Color: white

Dual (Vacuum + Mop):

Warranty: 12 months

Surface: hardwood, tile, low carpet

Batteries required:

Batteries included:

Battery life: 40min

Battery type: Lithium ion

Noise level: 55db

Suction power: 1500pa

Dust bin volume: 650ml

Weight: 4.4lb

Dimensions: 12.28in x 12.28in x 2.83in

Frequently Asked Questions

Do robot vacuums work without wifi?

Not all robot vacuums can be scheduled with a companion app, some lower end models work perfectly well with a remote control, although their cleaning routine might seem a bit erratic. A mobile app makes it possible to set personalised cleaning preferences.

Can robotic vacuums climb over thresholds or transitions between floor types?

Yes, some robotic vacuums are designed to climb over thresholds and transitions between floor types. Some robotic vacuums have powerful sensors and brushes that are designed to detect and maneuver around thresholds and transitions.

How do you set up virtual boundaries or no-go zones for a robotic vacuum?

Setting up virtual boundaries or no-go zones for a robotic vacuum involves using the appropriate app that comes with the vacuum. The app can be used to draw virtual boundaries or no-go zones for the robotic vacuum to avoid. The robotic vacuum will then recognize the boundaries and will not cross over them. Some robotic vacuums also come with special magnetic strips that can be placed in areas where the robotic vacuum should not go.

How to clean a robot vacuum?

You not only need to empty your robot vacuum cleaner, but you also need to make sure that its brushes stay clean. You also need to remove the roller and take away the pet hairs that wrap themselves around the bristles. The better you take care of your robot, the longer it will be able to perform its duties.