Lefant M210 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Lefant M210 Robot Vacuum Cleaner


Powerful suction for effective cleaning

Small and slim design for cleaning hard-to-reach areas

Smart app control and compatibility with voice assistants

Why people love this robot vacuum

Powerful suction for effective cleaning

Small and slim design for cleaning hard-to-reach areas

Smart app control and compatibility with voice assistants

Product Specs

Here are the detailed specifications for this robot vacuum

Color: Black

Dual (Vacuum + Mop):

Surface: Hard floors and low pile carpets

Batteries required:

Batteries included:

Battery type: 1800mAh lithium iron phosphate

Dimensions: 11in x 11in x 2.99in

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do robot vacuums last?

Robot vacuums can last for years if you make the effort to clean its parts and brushes regularly. It is important not to let too much pet hair and debris build up in the robot vac, because then it could become permanently damaged. You might need to change the battery or some other parts of your appliance to lenghten its life. You should also avoid it getting wet inside. The life expectancy of your robot also depends on the frequency it's used.

How do you replace the batteries in a robotic vacuum?

To replace the batteries in a robotic vacuum, you will typically need to open the battery compartment, which is usually located on the bottom of the vacuum. Once you have accessed the compartment, you should disconnect the old batteries and replace them with new ones, ensuring the polarity is correct. Finally, close the battery compartment and your robotic vacuum should be good to go.

How loud are robot vacuums?

Robot vacs are no louder than traditional vacuums. They have an average noise level of 60 to 70 decibels. This sound is generally not too troubling, since the robots are mostly programmed to clean when you're off to work. The most silent ons are at around 50 decibels, which should be like a the gentle hum of a hairdryer.

How do robot vacuum cleaners work?

Robot vacuum cleaners are equipped with with various brushes that trap the dust and debris and gently guide it towards the mouth of the vacuum. The cleaning quality depends on the brush type. The best performing bots have brushes that span the entire width of the machine. Basic models randomly clean the room, while more sophisticated ones use laser-guided scanners, sensors and cameras to perform a more thorough clean.